Scala tips and code snippets.
Classes are templates for new objects.
In Scala language there are several structures that look like classes. These structures are class, trait, abstract class, case class and object.
The following table shows the main features of each structure:
can extend | can be extended | has init. params. | can be instantiated | compare instances by structure | |
class | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ |
case class | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
abstract class | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ |
trait | ✔ | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ |
object | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ |
Additional features:
- An object is not a type, it is a type instance.
- You cannot create a class that directly extends more than one class, case class or abstract class
- But you can create a class that extends many traits.
Which type of class to use for which purpose:
The goal | The structure to use |
Create a singleton | use an object |
Create instances that store information | use a case class |
Create instances that share the same features | use a class |
Create a base class for related classes | use an abstract class |
Create a base class for unrelated classes | use a trait |
Other… | use a trait first then change later if necessary |
A class is a structure that can be instantiated and extended. Class instances can be created with initialization arguments.
Creating an empty class:
// `Empty` is an empty class
class Empty
// create an instance of the empty class
val item = new Empty
Create a class that has members:
// Display information about tomato.
// the class that contains information about tomato:
// `fresh` is implicitly defined as a `private value` here it cannot be
// accessed from outside of the class nor modified inside the class.
// While `price` is defined as a public variable and can be used from
// outside of the class
class Tomato(fresh: Boolean, var price: Double = 1) {
// a member of the class
def inflatePrice(multiplier: Int): Unit =
price *= multiplier
// text shown when an instance of the class is printed
override def toString: String = fresh match {
case true => s"fresh tomato at €$price per kilo"
case false => s"rotten tomato at €$price per kilo"
// create an instance
val tomato = new Tomato(true, 1.5)
println(s"tomato current price is €${ tomato.price }")
// --> tomato current price is €1.5
// run the instance's method `inflatePrice`
// --> fresh tomato at €3.0 per kilo
Define a class that extends an other class:
// Format URL values.
// the base class `BaseUrl`
class BaseUrl(val protocol: String, val location: String) {
def fullUrl: String = s"$protocol://$location"
// the extended class `HttpsUrl`:
// the initialization parameter are passed to the base class
class HttpsUrl(override val location: String)
extends BaseUrl("https", location)
// create an instance
val url = new HttpsUrl("")
// -->
and protected
A class attribute visibility can be tuned using an attribute modifier:
: the attribute can only be used in the
class where it is defined.protected
: the attribute can be used in the class where it is defined
and its derived classes.Example:
// Print robot journalist articles.
class Bot {
// a `private` member that can only be accessed in the current class
private val commandAndControlServer: String = ""
// a `protected` member that can be used in the current class
// and its derived classes
protected val author: String = "a Robot"
// a member that is `public` by default
val date: String = "today"
class NewsBot extends Bot {
// the protected member `author` is used in the class that extends `Bot`
def writeArticle: String = s"This is good news ── $author ($date)"
val botJournalist = new NewsBot
// --> This is good news ── a Robot (today)
The class initialization parameters visibility can also be set:
class ClassName(val x: Int)
: the attribute is public.class ClassName(protected val x: Int)
: the attribute is protected.class ClassName(private val x: Int)
: the attribute is private.class ClassName(x: Int)
: the attribute is also private.
To control the access to a private class member, two methods must be defined:
A getter method that has the name of the member, example:
def member: Type = ...
A setter method that has the name of the member followed by _=
, example:
def member_= (x: Type): Unit = ...
Full example:
// Display the high scores of a game.
// the game class
class Game {
// creates a private variable
private var _highScore: Long = 0
// create a getter for the private variable `_highScore`
def highScore = _highScore
// create a setter for the private variable `_highScore`
def highScore_= (newScore: Long): Unit =
if (newScore > _highScore) _highScore = newScore
val game = new Game
// run the setter
game.highScore = 13
// run the getter
val currentHighScore = game.highScore
println(s"New high score is $currentHighScore")
// --> New high score is 13
// run the setter again (the given value is discarded this time)
game.highScore = 1
// run the getter again
val actualHighScore = game.highScore
println(s"New high score is $actualHighScore")
// --> New high score is 13
Classes has a member named this
that is bound to the current instance.
member is also used to define constructors:
// Store some text.
// `TextHolder` default constructor. It takes a `String` parameter
class TextHolder(val text: String) {
// a second constructor that calls the default constructor
def this(base: String, repeat: Int) = this(base * repeat)
// a third constructor that calls the second one
def this() = this("A", 3)
// use the third constructor
val a = new TextHolder
// use the second constructor
val b = new TextHolder("A", 3)
// use the default constructor
val c = new TextHolder("AAA")
val allSame = (a.text == b.text && b.text == c.text)
println(s"${ if (allSame) "same" else "not same"} value")
// --> same value
keyword gives access to the members of the super classes:
// Convert inches to meters.
// base class
class Converter {
def inchToMeters(x: Double): Double = x * 2.54 / 100
// derived class
class SimpleConverter extends Converter {
override def inchToMeters(x: Double): Double =
// the base class's `inchToMeters` method is called through `super`
val converter = new SimpleConverter
println(s"a 40″ TV as a diagonal ~= ${ converter.inchToMeters(40) }m")
// --> a 40″ TV as a diagonal ~= 1.0m
and sealed
A final
class is a class that cannot be extended:
// Filling bankruptcy.
final class Bankruptcy {
def action: String = "calling lawyer..."
val companyState = new Bankruptcy
// --> calling lawyer...
A sealed class
is a class that can only be extended by classes that are
defined in the same file:
// Define an escape plan.
// the sealed class that can only be extended in the current file
sealed class EscapePlan {
def exit: String = "to be defined..."
// all the existing escape plans are defined here, in this file
class PlanA extends EscapePlan {
override def exit: String = "roof"
class PlanB extends EscapePlan {
override def exit: String = "window"
val plan = new PlanB
println(s"escaped through the ${ plan.exit }")
// --> escaped through the window
is also a class modifier, see abstract classes.
and update
A class
will produce callable instances if it has a method named apply
⟺ instance.apply(x)
A value can be assigned to a class
instance call if the class
a method named update
. This is known as assignment expansion:
instance(x) = y
⟺ instance.update(x, y)
// Work with a two-dimensional matrix.
// using a mutable map to be able to change the matrix content
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MutMap}
class Matrix(x: Int, y: Int) {
val map: MutMap[(Int, Int), Int] = MutMap()
private def checkBounds(i: Int, j: Int): Boolean =
i >= 0 && i < x && j >= 0 && j < y
// makes the instances callable
def apply(i: Int, j: Int): Int =
if (checkBounds(i, j)) map.getOrElse((i, j), 0) else 0
// allows assignment expansion
def update(i: Int, j: Int, newValue: Int) =
if (checkBounds(i, j)) map.update((i, j), newValue)
// create a matrix with bounds: i ∈ [0, 4[ and j ∈ [0, 4[
val matrix = new Matrix(4, 4)
// implicitly call `apply` to retrieve the value at i = 1 and j = 1
val valueAtPositionOne = matrix(1, 1)
println(s"matrix[1, 1] = $valueAtPositionOne")
// --> matrix[1, 1] = 0
// implicitly call `update` to modify the value at i = 2 and j = 2
matrix(2, 2) = 4
// retrieve the updated value
val valueAtPositionTwo = matrix(2, 2)
println(s"matrix[2, 2] = $valueAtPositionTwo")
// --> matrix[2, 2] = 4
// indices 10 are out of bounds, the change is dropped by `update` method
matrix(10, 10) = 100
// retrieve the default value, because indices 10 are out of bounds
val valueAtPositionTen = matrix(10, 10)
println(s"matrix[10, 10] = $valueAtPositionTen")
// --> matrix[10, 10] = 0
A case class
is a class created primary to store data.
case class
instances have the following features:
a == b
.Examples of case class
Defining an empty case class
// an empty case class: parenthesis required
case class Empty()
// case class instantiation: no `new` keyword
val item = Empty
Creating a case class
with some attributes and default values:
// View buildings information.
// a case class with 2 attributes
case class Building(nbFloors: Int, builtIn: String = "1950")
val smallOldBuilding = Building(3)
println(s"This building was built in ${ smallOldBuilding.builtIn }")
// --> This building was built in 1950
Compare case class
While class instances are compared by reference:
instances are equal when they refer to the same location in the memory,
case class
instances are compared by structure:
instances are equal when all their attributes have the same value.
// Check if it is hot for real.
case class Temperature(celcius: Int)
val hot = Temperature(45)
val notCold = Temperature(45)
// compare two instances: different references
// but same structure `celcius=45`
val same = hot == notCold
println(s"${ if (same) "really" else "possible" } hot weather")
// --> really hot weather
A case class
instance has a built-in method copy
creates a copy of the instance.
The new instance attributes values can be set through the copy
// Sell fruits.
case class Fruit(name: String, price: Double)
// the original instance
val mango = Fruit("mango", 1)
// the copy, `price` attribute is modified
val expensiveMango = mango.copy(price = 10)
println(s"this ${ } costs €${ expensiveMango.price }")
// --> this mango costs €10.0
case class
allows the extraction of instance parameters:
// Describe a vacation place.
case class VacationPlace(landscape: String, ratings: Int)
val location = VacationPlace("heavenly beach", 5)
// extracting `location` instance parameters into `place` and `stars` values
val VacationPlace(place, stars) = location
println(s"Going to a $stars stars $place.")
// --> Going to a 5 stars heavenly beach.
, productIterator
, etc…case class
instances expose the following methods:
: get the case class
: get the number of parameters of the case class
: returns an iterator through the
case class
: retrieve a parameter value
from its position.Example:
// Get info about a movie.
case class Movie(title: String, budget: Double, rating: Int)
val blockBuster = Movie("Triple-W 4 The Prequel", 500e6, 7)
// retrieve the number of fields
val nbFields = blockBuster.productArity
// get the `case class` name
val className = blockBuster.productPrefix
println(s"$className has $nbFields fields")
// --> Movie has 3 fields
// retrieve an instance parameter value
val rating = blockBuster.productElement(2)
println(s"$className rating is $rating/10")
// --> Movie rating is 7/10
// iterate through instance parameters
val fields = for (field <- blockBuster.productIterator) yield s"- $field"
Full $className info:
${ fields.mkString("\n ") }
/* -->
Full Movie info:
- Triple-W 4 The Prequel
- 5.0E8
- 7
An abstract class
is a class that cannot be instantiated
but can take initialization parameters. A class can only extend
one abstract class.
An empty abstract class
// an empty abstract class
abstract class EmptyAbstract
// a class that extends the empty abstract class
class Empty extends EmptyAbstract
An abstract class with initialization parameters:
// Calculate the probability of winning.
// an abstract class that takes two initialization parameters
abstract class Fraction(val numerator: Long, val denominator: Long) {
override def toString: String = s"$numerator/$denominator"
// extend the abstract class by setting the values
// of the initialization parameters
class Probability(val value: Double, val precision: Long = 100)
extends Fraction((precision * value).round, precision)
val win = new Probability(0.7)
println(s"Winning probability is $win")
// --> Winning probability is 70/100
A trait
is a structure close to a class that cannot be instantiated.
In addition to that, traits doesn’t have initialization parameters.
A class can extend several traits
Creating an empty trait:
// an empty trait
trait EmptyTrait
// a class that extends the empty trait
class EmptyClass extends EmptyTrait
Extending multiple traits:
// Manage processes.
trait Runnable {
def run: Unit = println("Running fast...")
trait Stopable {
def stop: Unit = println("Stop now!")
trait Restartable {
def restart: Unit = println("Restarting*")
// create a class that extends all the traits defined above
class Process extends Runnable with Stopable with Restartable
val process = new Process
// --> Running fast...
// --> Stop now!
// --> Restarting*
Using a trait as a common type for specialized classes:
// Show different kind of boxes.
trait Box {
val size: Int
def isBig: Boolean = size > 10
// `size` parameter must be a public value to match the definition
// inside `Box` trait
class ColoredBox(color: String, val size: Int) extends Box
class BouncingBox(jumpHeight: Int, val size: Int) extends Box
// `Box` trait represents all its specialized classes
val boxes = Map[String, Box](
"red box" -> new ColoredBox("red", 0),
"bouncing box" -> new BouncingBox(18, 12)
boxes.foreach {
case (name, box) => println(
s"a ${ if (box.isBig) "big" else "small" } $name"
/* -->
a small red box
a big bouncing box
Trait mixed-in is a design pattern where a feature is injected
into a class through a trait.
To be able to do that both class
and trait
should extend the same base
// Display screen specs.
// base trait with a method `specs` that is not fully defined
trait Screen {
def specs: String
// a class that fully defines `specs` method
class LcdMonitor(val monitorType: String) extends Screen {
def specs = s"${ monitorType }-display"
// a trait with a method that uses `specs`. It will be mixed-in `LcdMonitor`
trait ScreenWall extends Screen {
def fullSpecs(nbScreens: Int) = s"Wall made of $nbScreens ${ specs }s"
// generate a new class by mixing the two structures above
class HighResLcdWall extends LcdMonitor("4K") with ScreenWall
val wall = new HighResLcdWall
// --> Wall made of 16 4K-displays
abstract override
Stackable trait pattern is a programming pattern where a functionality is split into multiple components then assembled using multiple inheritance.
With abstract override
it is possible to partially define a method
in a trait
The actual method is implemented by an other trait
and executed through
This feature is used to implement the stackable trait pattern:
// Create a database engine.
trait Engine {
def store(entry: Int, dataset: String): Unit
trait SQLEngine extends Engine {
/** Modifies the `dataset` parameter then calls an unknown implementation
* of the method.
abstract override def store(entry: Int, dataset: String): Unit =, s"sql://$dataset")
trait Database extends Engine {
/** This is the implementation that is called by the `abstract override`
* variant of this method.
override def store(entry: Int, dataset: String): Unit =
println(s"stored $entry in $dataset")
// stacking the traits
class SQLDatabase extends Database with SQLEngine
val database = new SQLDatabase, "prices")
// --> stored 5 in sql://prices
More about the stackable trait pattern on
new Trait { ... }
An instance can be created from a trait by fully defining all its members. To define these members you can create an anonymous class that extends the trait.
// Print greetings.
trait Greet {
// trait member `greetings` is not fully defined
def greetings: String
// instance of a class created on the fly that extends `Greet` trait
val instance = new Greet {
// `greetings` is defined here
def greetings: String = "Greetings to the world!"
// --> Greetings to the world!
An object
is a singleton instance.
Unlike classes, objects are not types and cannot be instantiated.
An empty object:
// create an empty `object`
object EmptyObject
// copy the reference to the `object`
val x: EmptyObject.type = EmptyObject
An object
with members:
// Get a database server configuration.
// create an object with two members
object Database {
def server: String = "localhost"
def port: Int = 3306
println(s"Database server port is ${ Database.port }")
// --> Database server port is 3306
that extends a trait:// Manage a shared resource.
trait SharedResource {
def acquire = println("lock resource")
def release = println("unlock resource")
// create the singleton
object Storage extends SharedResource
// --> lock resource
// --> unlock resource
methodScala program entry point is a method named main
that should be defined inside an object
The main
method must have the exact signature:
main(args: Array[String]): Unit
// Run a super fast software.
object SuperFastSoftware {
// define the program entry point
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
println("Already completed!")
// --> Already completed!
An object
’s member can be imported in an other file
or an other namespace using the following syntax:
import packagename.ObjectName.objectMember
That is demonstrated in the example bellow.
The example requires two files and can be executed using sbt
// Running a worker.
// ---
/** file 1: project/Worker.scala
package project
object Worker {
// define a method inside the object that will be imported in an other file
def doWork: Unit = println("Working!")
// ---
/** file 2: project/Main.scala
package project
// importing the member of the object `Worker`
import Worker.doWork
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = doWork
// --> Working!
A companion object
and a companion class
are created when
a class and an object
share the same name.
The class can use the object members as if they where static members
of the class.
Companion object
& companion class
// Convert speed.
// the companion `class`
class Speedometer(speedMetersPerSecond: Long) {
// importing the object members
import Speedometer._
override def toString: String = {
// using the `object` method as a static method
val speedMetersPerHour = convert(speedMetersPerSecond)
s"current speed is $speedMetersPerHour kilometers per hour"
// the companion `object`
object Speedometer {
def convert(speedMetersPerSecond: Long): Long =
(speedMetersPerSecond * 3600 / 1000).toLong
println(new Speedometer(100))
// --> current speed is 360 kilometers per hour
Companion object
as a class instance factory:
// Handle customers.
// companion class
case class Customer(id: Long)
// companion object
object Customer {
private var currentId: Long = 0
// method that generates new `Customer` instances
def next(): Customer = {
currentId += 1
new Customer(currentId)
// generate an instance
val consumerOne =
println(s"Please welcome customer ${ }")
// --> Please welcome customer 1
// generate an other instance
val consumerTwo =
println(s"Please welcome customer ${ }")
// --> Please welcome customer 2
and unapply
With the extractor object
feature it is possible to call an object
and extract values from an object
⟺ Object.apply(x)
val Object(x) = y
⟺ val x = Object.unapply(y)
This mechanism is used with pattern matching.
Simple extractor object
// Display an unique ID.
object UniqueId {
val minIdValue: Long = 1000000
// method that makes the object callable
def apply(value: Int): Long = minIdValue + value
// value extraction method
def unapply(idValue: Long): Option[Int] =
Some((idValue - minIdValue).toInt)
// calling the object (through `apply`)
val fullId: Long = UniqueId(33)
// extracting `shortID` from `fullID` (through `unapply`)
val UniqueId(shortId) = fullId
println(s"the short ID is $shortId")
// the short ID is 33
Using an extractor object
with pattern matching:
// Serialize and recover a message.
// an extractor object
object Serialize {
def apply(value: String) = s"<$value>"
def unapply(serialized: String): Option[String] = {
Some(serialized.slice(1, serialized.length - 1))
// serialize message
val frozen = Serialize("orange")
// deserialize message
frozen match {
case Serialize(value) => println(s"recovered message: $value")
case _ => println("message damaged")
// --> recovered message: orange
, protected[this]
The private[this]
modifier is used to create an object members
that is only visible inside the object and cannot be used by a companion class:
// Store a secret key, protected by a passphrase.
// this class cannot directly access the object private `key` member
// of its companion object
class KeyStore(passPhrase: String) {
def getKey: Option[Long] = KeyStore.getKey(passPhrase)
object KeyStore {
// only visible inside the object
private[this] val key = 123456789L
def getKey(passPhrase: String): Option[Long] = passPhrase match {
case "azerty" => Some(key)
case _ => None
val keyStore = new KeyStore("azerty")
val secretKey = keyStore.getKey
println(s"the secret key is $secretKey")
// --> the secret key is Some(123456789)
protected[this] ...
defines a member that is only visible in the current class and its derived classes. The companion object cannot access it.
There are several ways to combine classes.
and Outer#Inner
An inner class is a class defined inside an other class. The enclosing class is called outer class.
Each instance of the outer class has its own version of the inner class:
// Manage dashboard metrics.
// the outer class
class Dashboard(dashboardName: String) {
// the inner class
class Metric(private val name: String) {
def metricName: String = s"$dashboardName.$name"
val finance: Dashboard = new Dashboard("finance")
// the inner class of this instance is `finance.Metric`
val income: finance.Metric = new finance.Metric("income")
// --> finance.income
val risks: Dashboard = new Dashboard("risks")
// the inner class of this instance is `risks.Metric`
// Note that `finance.Metric` and `risks.Metric` are two different types
val criticalErrors: risks.Metric = new risks.Metric("critical_errors")
// --> risks.critical_errors
You can use a common type for inner class instances. This type is not bound to any outer class instance:
// Stream data.
// the outer class
class Stream {
// the inner class
class Chunk(val content: String)
// `Stream#Chunk` is a common type for inner class instances
// this type is not bound to any outer class instance
def receive: Stream#Chunk = new Chunk("keep-alive")
def send(chunk: Stream#Chunk): Unit =
println(s"sent: ${ chunk.content }")
val inputStream: Stream = new Stream
val outputStream: Stream = new Stream
val chunk: Stream#Chunk = inputStream.receive
// --> sent: keep-alive
TypeA with TypeB
A compound type can be created by the composing multiple types:
TypeA with TypeB with TypeC with...
A compound type can be instantiated even if its components are traits and abstract classes as long as they are fully defined.
The compound type reproduces the subtyping relations of the component classes. In other words:
if TypeY < TypeX
then (TypeY with TypeZ) < (TypeX with TypeZ)
compound type example:
// Create a range object.
trait RangeStart {
def start: Int = 0
trait RangeEnd {
def end: Int = 10
// object created by combining two traits
val range = new RangeStart with RangeEnd
println(s"from ${ range.start } to ${ range.end }")
// --> from 0 to 10
compound type with subtyping:
// Run a factory.
trait Manufacturer {
def manufacture(rawMaterial: String): String =
rawMaterial.replaceAll(raw"[^\w\s]", "")
trait Packer {
def pack(manufacturedProduct: String): String =
s"${ manufacturedProduct.capitalize }."
trait CleanPacker extends Packer {
override def pack(manufacturedProduct: String): String =
s"${ manufacturedProduct.toLowerCase.capitalize }."
class Factory extends Manufacturer with CleanPacker
// create a compound type associating `Manufacturer` with `Packer`
// Moreover:
// `CleanPacker < Packer` => `Factory < Manufacturer with Packer`
def run(factory: Manufacturer with Packer, rawMaterial: String): String =
val rawMaterial = "~t*$^His# i~S @ve§R^µy% ;cL€{`}e&Aŀn"
val factory = new Factory
val product = run(factory, rawMaterial)
// --> This is very clean.
this: Type =>
self-type mix-in is a syntax used to inject the members of a class into an other class.
The instantiation of the resulting type must conform to the self-type
is mixed into ClassB
then ClassB
cannot be instantiated.
ClassB with ClassA
should be instantiated instead.// Get information about a place.
trait Place {
def name: String
def location: String
trait Reputation {
// Mix `Place` trait in `Reputation` trait
this: Place =>
def stars: Int
def describe: String = s"$name at $location has $stars stars"
// Extend both classes here to satisfy the self-type requirement:
// `Reputation with Place`
class Recommendation(
val name: String,
val location: String,
val stars: Int) extends Reputation with Place
val reco = new Recommendation("The Music Club", "Lagos", 5)
// --> The Music Club at Lagos has 5 stars
A generic class is a class that takes type parameters. Generic classes produces an actual class when the type parameter is replaced by an actual type.
A generic class example:
// Decorate a value.
// create a generic class with the type parameter `T`
case class Decorator[T](value: T) {
def decorate: String = s"~{ $value }~"
// instantiate the class by replacing explicitly `T` by `Int`
val decoratedNumber = Decorator[Int](1000)
// --> ~{ 1000 }~
// instantiate the class by replacing implicitly `T` by `Char`
// `Char` being the type of the argument `'X'`
val decoratedChar = Decorator('X')
// --> ~{ X }~
A trait using a type variable:
// Display a message multiple times.
// define a generic trait
trait Repeat[T] {
val value: T
def printTwice: Unit = {
// extending a variant of the generic trait
class Message(val value: String) extends Repeat[String]
val message = new Message("Yes!")
// --> Yes!
// --> Yes!
, +T
and -T
Let’s take two types Parent
and Child
that have a subtyping relation
Child < Parent
and a generic class Generic[T]
The variance of the type T
defines the relation between
and Generic[Child]
is invariant then Generic[Parent]
has no special relation
with Generic[Child]
is covarient then the subtyping relation is kept:
Child < Parent
⟹ Generic[Child] < Generic[Parent]
is contravariant then the subtyping relation is reversed:
Child < Parent
⟹ Generic[Parent] < Generic[Child]
.By default Scala type variables are invariant.
A covariant type variable is defined by adding +
to the class variable name, ex: +T
On the other hand, a contravariant type variable is defined
by adding -
symbol to its name, ex: -T
A generic class using a covariant type:
// Embed a value.
// generic class using a covariant type variable `+T`
case class Embed[+T](value: T)
// `Any` is the subtype of any Scala type
// `Embed[Any]` is then the subtype of any `Embed[T]`
def show(embedded: Embed[Any]): Unit =
println(s"embedded value: ${ embedded.value }")
val embeddedMessage = new Embed[String]("secret")
// `Embed[String]` value is implicitly converted to `Embed[Any]`
// thanks to the covariance of the type variable `T`
// --> embedded value: secret
val embeddedNumber = new Embed(147)
// `Embed[Int]` value is also implicitly converted to `Embed[Any]`
// thanks to the covariance of the type variable `T`
// --> embedded value: 147
A generic class using a contravariant type:
// Build a tree.
trait TextNode
trait ImageNode
trait KnownNode extends TextNode with ImageNode
// generic abstract class using a contravariant variable `-T`
abstract class Tree[-T] {
def info: String
// subtyping a variant of the generic class `Tree`
class TextTree extends Tree[TextNode] {
def info: String = "text-tree"
// `-T` being contravariant:
// `KnownNode < TextNode` => `Tree[TextNode] < Tree[KnownNode]`
val value: Tree[KnownNode] = new TextTree
println(s"tree type is: ${ }")
// --> tree type is: text-tree
T <: Upper
and T >: Lower
Optional upper and lower bounds define which types can be applied to a generic class.
Upper bound:
If a generic class type variable T
has an upper bound U
then T
can only be replaced by U
or the types that extends U
// Calculate the brightness of a room.
abstract class Room {
def nbWindows: Int = 2
class BedRoom extends Room
class LivingRoom extends Room {
override def nbWindows: Int = 6
// `T` can be `Room` or any class that extends `Room`
class RoomInfo[T <: Room] {
def getBrightness(room: T): String = room match {
case r if (r.nbWindows <= 0) => "dark"
case r if (r.nbWindows <= 5) => "bright"
case _ => "ultra bright"
val room = new LivingRoom
val roomInfo = new RoomInfo[LivingRoom]
val brightness = roomInfo.getBrightness(room)
println(s"the room is $brightness")
// --> the room is ultra bright
Lower bound:
If a generic class type variable T
has an lower bound L
then T
can only be replaced by L
or the base types of L
// Handle an error.
// base class for all errors
abstract class BaseError {
override def toString: String = "something happened"
class RuntimeError extends BaseError {
override def toString: String = "program crashed"
class FatalError extends RuntimeError {
override def toString: String = "system shutdown"
// `T` can be `FatalError` or any error class that `FatalError` extends:
// `RuntimeError` or `BaseError`
class ErrorHandler[T >: FatalError] {
def alert(error: T): Unit = println(error)
val error = new RuntimeError
val handler = new ErrorHandler[RuntimeError]
// --> program crashed
Here is an example that uses type variance and type bounds at the same time:
// Compute input data to produce output data.
abstract class Output(val data: String)
class RichOutput(override val data: String) extends Output(data)
abstract class BaseInput(data: String) {
def compute: RichOutput =
new RichOutput(data.replace("-", "..."))
class Input(data: String) extends BaseInput(data) {
override def compute: RichOutput =
new RichOutput(data.replace("-", ""))
/** ComputingUnit type variables bounds and variance.
* Type P:
* Bounds: Input < P < BaseInput
* Variance: -P is contravariant
* P can then be replaced as follows:
* `val x: ComputingUnit[Input, R] = new ComputingUnit[BaseInput, R]`
* Type R:
* Bounds: R < Output
* Variance: +R is covariant
* R can then be replaced as follows:
* `val x: ComputingUnit[P, Output] = new ComputingUnit[P, RichOutput]`
abstract class ComputingUnit[
-P >: Input <: BaseInput,
+R <: Output] {
def run(input: P): R
class ComplexComputingUnit extends ComputingUnit[BaseInput, RichOutput] {
def run(input: BaseInput): RichOutput = input.compute
val unit: ComputingUnit[Input, Output] = new ComplexComputingUnit
val input: Input = new Input("e-p-s-i-l-o-n")
val result: Output =
println(s"result: ${ }")
// --> result: epsilon
T <% View[T]
View bounds use implicit conversion to convert types. This feature is deprecated.
// Compare values.
// using implicit convertion to convert `T` => `Ordered[T]`
// to be able to use `>` operator on `T` values
def moreThan[T <% Ordered[T]](x: T, y: T) = x > y
val compareIntValues = moreThan(4, 9)
println(s"result is $compareIntValues")
// --> result is false
val compareCharValues = moreThan('z', 'a')
println(s"result is $compareCharValues")
// --> result is true
An abstract type is a type alias defined inside a class an abstract class or a trait. The type that matches this alias is defined in the derived classes.
Constraints like upper are lower bounds can be applied to abstract types. Therefore, abstract types can be used to reduce the number of type parameters defined in a generic class.
// Create a network datagram.
trait Header {
// define an abstract type `T`
type T
val header: T
trait Payload {
// define an abstract type `T` (same name as above)
type T
val payload: T
trait Extract {
// define an abstract type `R` that is a subtype of `String`
type R <: String
def extract: R
class Datagram(
val header: Int = 0xA,
val payload: Int) extends Header with Payload with Extract {
// set the type that matches `T` in `Header` and `Payload` traits
type T = Int
// set the type that matches `R` in `Extract` trait
type R = String
def extract: String = f"|header=$header%02x|payload=$payload%04x|"
val datagram = new Datagram(payload = 1470)
val content = datagram.extract
println(s"datagram content: $content")
// --> datagram content: |header=0a|payload=05be|
T forSome { type T }
Existential types are some kind of generic types that matches any type. They are used mostly for compatibility with Java wildcard or raw types.
Existential types might generate obscure type errors if not used properly therefore they should be avoided.
// Count items that doesn't have the same types.
// the `import` here enables the existential types feature
// => this feature should be avoided in most cases!
import scala.language.existentials
// define an existantial type `A forSome { type A }`
def countAll(parameters: A forSome { type A }*) = parameters.length
val count = countAll(1, "lol", 'c')
println(s"counted $count unrelated values")
// --> counted 3 unrelated values
Implicit conversion is a system designed to define various operations that will be executed implicitly.
The implicit operations are defined using the keyword implicit
In addition to that, the implicit operations must be accessible
from the place where they are implicitly used.
An example of implicit conversion:
// Compute modulo operations.
case class ModuloNumber(value: Int, modulus: Int)
// define an operation that will implicitly convert
// `ModuloNumber` instances to `Int` instances
implicit def toInt(modulo: ModuloNumber): Int =
modulo.value % modulo.modulus
val modulo: ModuloNumber = ModuloNumber(16, 3)
// `ModuloNumber` instance is implicitly converted to a `Int`
val intValue: Int = modulo
println(s"Modulo operation result is $intValue")
// --> Modulo operation result is 1
Implicitly inject arguments into a function:
// Plan a trip.
object Travel {
// a method that takes an implicit value `to`
def details[A](from: A)(implicit to: A): String =
s"travel from $from to $to"
// implicit values
implicit val toName: String = "Helsinki"
implicit val toCode: Int = 666
// the value `toName` is implicitly added to `details` parameters list
// because `A` type variable is inferred to `String` and
// `toName` matches the implicit parameter definition `to: A` & `A = String`
val planning = Travel.details("Toronto")
// --> travel from Toronto to Helsinki
// the value `toCode` is implicitly added to `details` parameters list
// because `A` type variable is inferred to `Int` and now
// `toCode` matches the implicit parameter definition `to: A` & `A = Int`
val planningWithCityCodes = Travel.details(6)
// --> travel from 6 to 666
Implicitly inject a function into an other function arguments list:
// Compute the median value.
// a higher order function that implicitly take a parameter `pick`
// that is also a function
def median[A](items: List[A])(implicit pick: (List[A], Int) => A): A = {
val index = (items.length / 2).toInt
pick(items, index)
// an implicit candidate for `A = Int`
implicit val pickNumber: (List[Int], Int) => Int =
(items, index) => items.sorted.apply(index)
// an implicit candidate for `A = String`
implicit val pickText: (List[String], Int) => String =
(items, index) => items.sortBy(_.length).apply(index)
val cities = List("Gao", "Tamanrasset", "Antananarivo", "Koupela", "Lome")
// implicitly adds the argument `pickText` because here `A = String`
val medianCity = median(cities)
println(s"please visit $medianCity")
// --> please visit Koupela
val temperatures = List(30, 27, 45, 26, 18)
// implicitly adds the argument `pickNumber` because here `A = Int`
val medianTemperature = median(temperatures)
println(s"it's $medianTemperature degrees there")
// --> it's 27 degrees there
Operators are functions. They are represented by symbols and use the infix notation. For example:
x + y
is the infix notation of the function x.+(y)
.Operators features:
// Points that supports addition and subtraction operations.
case class Point(val x: Int = 0, val y: Int = 0) {
// operator: `Point + Point`
def +(that: Point): Point = new Point(this.x + that.x, this.y + that.y)
// operator: `Point - Point`
def -(that: Point): Point = new Point(this.x - that.x, this.y - that.y)
// operator: `Point + Int`
def +(that: Int): Point = new Point(this.x + that, this.y + that)
// operator: `Point - Int`
def -(that: Int): Point = new Point(this.x - that, this.y - that)
// unary operator: `-Point`
def unary_- : Point = new Point(-this.x, -this.y)
// unary operator: `+Point`
def unary_+ : Point = this
// implement commutative operations for + and -:
// by using an implicit conversion
// to extend `Int` values to `IntExtendedForPoint`,
// a class that supports operations with `Point`
implicit class IntExtendedForPoint(val x: Int) {
// operator: `Int + Point`
def +(point: Point): Point = point + x
// operator: `Int - Point`
def -(point: Point): Point = -point + x
val a = Point(1, 2)
// `Point - Int`
val b = a - 4
// `Int + Point` (commutative operation)
val c = 2 + b
// `-Point` (unary operation)
val d = -c
// `Point + Point`
val e = d + Point(y = 2)
val isSame = a == e
println(if (isSame) "same point" else "different points")
// --> same point
This project is maintained by
Y. Somda (yoeo)
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